Tuesday, 12 May 2009

The Show entries (finally)

So as you all know i entered several items in the Grafton Show Handicrafts Section - and guess what - i won :)

First in HandKnitting any article for a child - based on Tikki's Milo Vest using the Rainbow Dress pattern i made a Vest for Jarvis using some cheap and nasty tweed acrylic from Lincraft

First Prize in Hand Spinning - Super wash Merino which i recieved in a swap from Molly (madradish) . Chain (navajo) Plied.

Second Prize handspinning - super coils - bracken ridge from EGMTK

The famed lamby pants - only a highly commended but enetirely my own stupid fault why because i forgot to weave in 1 end :(

The infamous unwoven end :(


  1. one end!!!! OMG!!!

    Congratulations on your other wins though, that is fantastic and you have definitely inspired me to enter our local in October :D

  2. congratulations! You'll have to change the name of this blog now :)

  3. Congratulations on the wins ;-)

  4. yeah christine - to "i knitshit with unwoven ends" ;)

  5. Congrats on your wins, well done!
