I am pretty convinced I am a story teller.
But I am not.
I am a story maker.
This was recently put into perspective for me by my little Miss.
"Mum; I love weekends with you because we DO things"
Now; the things we do, I feel are in no way extraordinary, but for Miss and JD it seems they are.
Every weekend they spend with the Mr and I, we try to find new and different FREE adventures to go on. We strap on our shoes, pack a picnic, grab a blanket and off we go.
We discover our natural surroundings as we explore National Parks, we attend free community music festivals, we take our picnic lunches to parks and to the river and to the sea, we swim and run and play.
We return home with our photo's and our stories and they are excited to return to school and tell their stories as "news"
Our most recent story was made when we attended the "Surfing the Coldstream" Festival in Yamba, NSW. This story sounds like local music, it looks bright and colourful, it tasted like sno-cones and it smelt like circus folk.
Making stories is the greatest thing i can do as a parent, and i feel that there are plenty more to come.