My little man started "big" little school today,
and was very excited to be doing so.

He did find his backpack a little heavy
(more on that below)

When we arrived he headed straight for the playdoh table and set to work,
like he had been going there forever.

and when i arrived home from work this afternoon, this is where i found my big boy,
exhausted for his first big day at pre-school.

JD's awesome pre-school sent home a great memory page
it's titled "My Day"
and it includes a list of the things JD did today
- JD likes the bathroom. JD spent a long time washing his hands with soap. JD did this often thoughout the day
- JD was so hungry this morning that he went and found something to eat and sat on the verandah while the other kids played. ( see there was lots of food in that bag)
- JD spent a long time playing with the train set with T, L and H.
- JD showed everyone his big muscles at talking time
- JD sat with H and J to finish his morning tea
- JD is great at waiting his turn
- JD showed everyone that he could sing "Where is Thumbkin" by himself ! WELL DONE JD!
- "I just think pre-school is a crack up" JD said this afternoon.
no tears just BIG smiles from JD and Mummy !!!