Saturday, 30 October 2010

Boys and Toys

Took JD to check out the Grafton Aero Club Jacaranda Rally this morning.
I think he wants to be a pilot...

Sunday, 24 October 2010

She's a Poser

Oh dear.. look what a photography obsessed mumma has created.......
a little poser

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Inspiration comes in many forms

Images from an inspiring weekend with the most amazing women i know xxx

Monday, 18 October 2010


While i wish i could claim credit for these awesome shots, I can not.
My amazing hubby captured these images this afternoon as a swarm of buzzy bees moved into our front yard.

Saturday, 16 October 2010

the sweet melody of tears

there are no words, only tears for the lost beauty of the sweet tunes she once played

all the pretty things ... Em's house

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Something that makes me smile

a REAL yarn store in the Northern Rivers !!!!!!!!!

The delightful and talented Elissa from Evoke Yarn and Fabric has opened a delightful little store in Carrington Street, Lismore, NSW.
I was blessed enough to be able to attend on opening day - it was a wonderful morning and i was very impressed to see soooooo many people in the store, so many infact, i whipped i said my hello's, bagged some yarn and and left to grab a coffee.. (not before having a champers of course)

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Sunday, 10 October 2010

JD turns 3!

My little man is three!
where did the last 3 years go?
It feels like just yesterday that the Dr was retreiving him from my womb and placing
a perfect little man with a shock of black hair on my chest and into my arms for the first time.
We have had some ups and downs in those 3 years,
but everytime he pulls through, he is a tough little bloke my JD!
I love you buddy xxxx

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Pearls of Wisdom # 6

a favorite that still gets air time at casa de la mcphee

there are no stupid questions

just stupid people

Pearls of Wisdom #5













Pearls of Wisdom #4

today's pearl of wisdom is bought to you by the letters A,N,G,S,T and the number 1

I wish that i could sleep

but i can't lay on my back

because there is a knife

for everyday that

i have known you

Pearls of Wisdom #3

kicking dead whales
down the beach
is a slow, messy
and difficult process*
*no whales where harmed in the coining of this phrase it is a metaphor

Monday, 4 October 2010

Pearls of Wisdom #2

so one of my favorite movies in highschool was called Gia,

it is the life story of Gia Carangi, one of the first "supermodels",

she was interesting, delightful and dangerous,

lots of sex and lots of drugs.

She died from AIDS, a disease which at the time was an unknown..

Gia had an interesting take on life..

life is like a book,

a book is like a box,

a box has six sides,

an inside

and an outside,

so how do you get to whats inside?


how do you get whats inside out?

Pearls of Wisdom #1

one of my favorite things to record in my notebook was quotes
movie quotes, song lyrics, friends quotes, short sentences that captured moments,
things that inspired me or that i could relate to.
reading back on some of them - they are quite profound.
so i will shed my skin and share some of these pearls of wisdom with the world
Nothing in this book is told as it happened
only as i remember it

Saturday, 2 October 2010


a long time ago i keep a journal, only i didn't call it a journal, it was just a note book i carried around constantly, i scribbled, doodled, wrote, whinged, raged, cried, laughed and shared with the paper all the thoughts and feelings which i had no other way of expressing.
It was highschool, so it was angsty, angry, mushy, misguided, illinformed and my favorite way to say fuck you to the world, without the world actually hearing.
I got it out ans started reading it yesterday, it bought back memories, so good, some bad, some my mind had completely misplaced.
I had tears running down my face as i read some of it, and truth be told, on the inside i am still and angst ridden 16 year old, with a chip on my shoulder and the desire to understand the ultimate question - Why?
My sketch book looked like this:
it has some unfinished doodles in it...

My sketchbook had a motto on the first page:
sometimes i wrote around hte page, not down it...

there are bright colours and dark thoughts

most of all in the pages is me, just me, how i was and how i will always be

Friday, 1 October 2010

10 Pin Bowling !!!

what do you do on a rainy saturday morning with a 2yo and a 5yo???
GO BOWLING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So much fun - huge congrats to Lilli who won on 90 points, JD how came second on 76 points and poor mummy came last on 68 points.......and i was actually trying !!!!!