Saturday, 29 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 30

Ok so i have not been particularly faithful with the photo a day caper but i have really been enjoying the fun of using the different functions on my camera :)

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 26

OK so i am a day behind again, life just gets in the way:)

Today i made an investment in a new journal, it is delightful and has a flocked velvet cover, i just want to pat it all the time !!

Monday, 24 August 2009

Saturday, 22 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 18 - 23

OK so i have been a little absent this week but i have the most valid excuse eva !!
I have been preparing and spending the weekend at Spinning Camp, it was the most awesome experience EVA.
We crafted, we giggled, we drank, tea ( and wine and scotch??) and learnt new things about ourselves, each other and our common love fibre craft :)

Huge shout out to Courtney, Ellie, Emma, Emily and Amanda you guys ricked my world, i will never look at underwear the same way again.

I can't wait till our next camp :)

So to make up for my picture a day posts I'll post 5 today :) all from awesome moments at camp.

Thumbelina - Courtney's Beautiful Wheel

An experience to dye for: Food Colour Dying with Courtney and I

The delightful results of the Food Colour Dye Class

My Zany Art Yarn : Clown Pubes ( So named by Ellie)

Courtney graciously modelling the Clown Pubes Necklace

these will be so hot next year

Monday, 17 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 17

After messing with other people's patterns for 24 hours i developed my own :) this little project pouch is for Miss Courtney :)

Sunday, 16 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 15

Today was a delightful day - G, L, JD and I, took a leisurly drive to Yamba and no trip to Yamba is complete without a trip to my favorite diner/candy store "Sweet Vintage", this shop is a 50's buffs haven and every child's dream come true. Some of my favorite things about Sweet Vintage are: the old fashions paper straws, the booth seating, the fantastic service, the cherry cola and the Dark Chocolate Kahlua Barrels ( that i got a half dozen of to bring home!!)

Thursday, 13 August 2009

Just Sew, Sew, Sew

Look how clever i am !!

Picture a Day - Day 13 and 14

This week was a week of awesome scores and finds.

I have, for my entire life wanted a "Globite" school case, i remember being sooooo jealous of the kids at school that had them and i had a daggy back-pack, well i finally have a globite case in my life, and i was so overjoyed by what my Mum had hidden within it - a ton of Knitting, Crochet and Tatting Books !!! some crochet cottons and the best thing ever ( next the the globite case) A HAT BLOCK !!! - I LOVE MY MUM she is the BEST!!!!! and guess where she got all this Fab stuff - the tip !!! that's right someone was just throwing this stuff away !!!!!! how CRAZY is that !!!
i also went a little nuts this week at the local fabric stores, i think i paid someones wages with all the fabric i bought, no intentions or plans i just couldn't leave it sitting in the store :)

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 12

Today's Photo is of the newest person on earth -
Miss Georgia Elizabeth was born this morning the 12th of August at 12.28am.
I snapped this pic at 8pm she is just 20hrs old !!!!
the photo is a little blury but i didn;t want to "flash" her :)

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 11

Oh no Lilli came home with this mask today - see is a Ninja Turtle !! and will not answer to her name, i had to call her Donatello to get her to eat her Veggies !!!

Monday, 10 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 10

Today i played with some of the functions on my camera, coz i am a auto point and shoot girl :), this is a little under exposed but i like the way it turned out and the little reflection of JD in G's glasses :)

Friday, 7 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 7

Ekk i missed day 7 so 2 pics for today - one now and one this afternoon :)

Thursday, 6 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 6

My New Ceramic Kettle and Bonus Ceramic Cups

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 5

My dad collects old stuff, he tells people that's why he has my mum, he also thinks he is a funny man, his sense of humour is very dry and he is very subtle in his wit, you often don't know you have been offended until much later, he is also a man of mono-emotion, he's never said "i love you" and his hugs are brief and stiff.
It has taken me a long time to develop my relationship with my father, i asked him when he was driving me to my wedding ceremony to tell everyone in he speach that he loved me, when the time came to deliver his speach he said " Lisa has asked me to tell you all that i love her, i think she is clever enough to already know that and that i think she is OK and that she has made an goos selection in Glenn as a husband". We now have a quiet understanding i know that he loves me, he will probably never say it, but i tell him often i love him and often force a hug out of him :)
Todays pictures are a relections and just a glimpse into my fathers bizzare collection of old wares
Swords and Walking Sticks - should always be stored side by side

Shaving Stand complete with brush - in the background a stoneware boiler

Stunning etched glass and hand painted Lamp

and one of my favorites - an old Singer Sewing Machine

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Sunday, 2 August 2009

Picture a Day - Day 3

Today's installment was actually shot last night while i was making Choc Fudge Brownies - a "double yolker" egg, yep that's right 1 egg - 2 yolks, interestingly i have never before witnessed the miricale of a double yolked egg, i was so excited i called my mum to tell her, she says it's quiet common - not at our place obviously !!!

for more Photo a days check out Byron Life's Blog

Saturday, 1 August 2009